Friday, November 18, 2011

I'm thankful for....

*Being able to run pretty much anytime I want to.  I have no physical limitations other than the ones I set for myself.  My body is healthy and I work to make it strong.

*Being a wife and a mom.  My cute husband and kids make my life complete.  Yes, having two teenagers in the house can be a test for any sane person, but I still kind of like having them around.

*A job, a home, and food to eat.  My job is pretty stressful right now.  Most days I come home and just want to sit and stare at a wall I'm so exahusted.  But I am truly grateful that I have a job to go to.  I am also thankful for my home, though not grand, is warm and safe and having lots of food too eat - probably too much so sometimes! 

*My "bloggy" friends and the challenges, advice, motivation, and inspiration they give me.  It's so nice to know there are other women in similar situations trying to make it all work.  I don't have very many "real life" friends that run, so I really appreciate knowing that you all are out there!

If you haven't signed up, there is still time... the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge - lots of prizes and you may come out of the holidays looking and feeling better than when you started!  This starts Nov 19th - so get going!

Don't forget Fitness Friday!  Thanks Jill!
Fitness Friday Blog Hop


  1. Ha! Just posted about the HBBC! It is key to stop and remember the everyday things that bless us....a job, family, home, health.

  2. It is great to stop and "smell the roses" and realize all the great things in our lives that are there when we need them even though we sometimes take them for granted!

    I'm going to check out the HBBC now!

  3. Really looking forward to HBBC too!

    Very nice post. Great to count our blessings, isn't it?

  4. So much to be thankful for! I'm ready for HBBC to get me through the holidays.

    I don't have may real life running friends either. I'm so grateful for blogging friends too :)

  5. Ha! Also doing the HBBC :)

    It is so helpful to sit back and reflect on what we are thankful for... at any time of year :) Love your thankful list!
